Feature Voting is Here!

We want your voice to be heard as we plan for upcoming feature releases. We’re rolling out feature voting here in the forum to give our partners a voice and engage our community. So, how do you participate? Easy! Sign up for the forum, navigate to our Feature Voting topic, and choose your product.

From there, once you click on the feature post, you’ll be able to vote and comment. You can vote for up to 10 features, but we ask that you only vote once per feature.


Please note that top-rated features are not guaranteed in our upcoming releases. If you would like a feature that is not currently up for voting, please submit an official feature request through our support portal. If you are an evaluator and there’s a feature you’d like to see in the future, we invite you to post in the Feedback portion of our forum. Voting for this batch of features will close on January 30th, 2023.

If you have questions about the Feature Voting system, please let us know in the comments below.