Hoops exchange reads rvt and rfa to generate fbx

Hoops exchange reads rvt and rfa to generate fbx, whether it can export attributes and control the exported LOD level, please give an example. Thanks

Hello @yio38262 and welcome to the Tech Soft 3D forums! It sounds like you want to read in Revit files and control the level of detail of the tessellation that is written to an FBX file, correct?

I would recommend that you start with our basic ImportExport sample code that we deliver with HOOPS Exchange. You can find the Visual Studio project for those samples (assuming you’re using Windows), at:


Once you open the solution, you’ll see the following samples:

From there, you can follow this tutorial on basic ImportExport: File-to-File Translation — HOOPS Exchange 2023 U1 documentation

After you have the program building and running, you should be able to read in the files you’d like and export to FBX. Now to control the tessellation, you just need to set it to whatever level of detail you’d like by using the following enumeration - https://docs-test.techsoft3d.com/exchange/latest/api/group__a3d__read.html#_CPPv429A3DETessellationLevelOfDetail

Here is an example. All I’ve done is add one line of code to the ImportExport sample:

	// specify input file
	A3DImport sImport(acSrcFileName); // see A3DSDKInternalConvert.hxx for import and export detailed parameters
									  // specify output file

// Set level of detail here using the 
	sImport.m_sLoadData.m_sTessellation.m_eTessellationLevelOfDetail = kA3DTessLODExtraLow;

	A3DExport sExport(acDstFileName); // see A3DSDKInternalConvert.hxx for import and export detailed parameters

									  // perform conversion
	CHECK_RET(sHoopsExchangeLoader.Convert(sImport, sExport));

Here you see I set the tessellation to Extra Low:

And here you see I set the tessellation to High:

Thanks and I hope this helps!

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