HOOPS Visualize and OpenXR sample

Now, I am developing VR (Virtual Reality) app with HOOPs Visualize.
I found sample for VR app with OpenVR (hps_openvr_sandbox) but I want to work with OpenXR.
Are there any sample of HOOPs Visualize with Open XR?
Thank you.

Hey @vuhuyen128

To my knowledge there’s not any samples like this. I know we have an AR/VR demo in our labs but I don’t think that’s quite what you’re looking for (Electron Viewer | Tech Soft 3D Labs).

@beau.trifiro and @florian may be able to help if you have more specific questions. Can you tell me a little bit more about what you’re trying to do?

Thank you so much for your reply. I understanded.
I want to created VR ( Virtual Reality) application with Hoops Visualize.
I tried to use VR sample code with OpenVR. It gives very beautiful graphic rendering.
I searched on the internet that nowaday OpenXR is recommended.
OpenXR Overview - The Khronos Group Inc
I tested OpenXR sample, it is very easy to run without installed SteamVR. My idea is integrating excellent Hoops Visualize with OpenXR. I hope Hoops Visualize will be had a sample with OpenXR. May be it is very helpfull.
OpenXR-SDK-Source/src/tests/hello_xr at main · KhronosGroup/OpenXR-SDK-Source · GitHub