I am working with HOOPS Visualize, Exchange, and Parasolid, and I am seeking guidance on creating a DeleteBody function in the CHPSView class, similar to the existing AddBody function, as shown below. The AddBody function enables updating the visualization after Parasolid operations, such as Boolean operations. I would like to implement a DeleteBody function that would allow me to delete a body without manually selecting it, and update the Visualize. I looked at the documentation here Exchange-Parasolid which mentions using " HPS::Component::Delete
(for geometry that was deleted, like the tool)" but wasn’t successful in implementation.
I would greatly appreciate any help and guidance.
Thank you!
void CHPSView::AddBody(const int body)
HPS::CADModel cadModel = GetDocument()->GetCADModel();
HPS::Type type = cadModel.Type();
HPS::Exchange::CADModel exCadModel;
HPS::Component comp;
HPS::MatrixKit translation;
translation.Translate(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
if (HPS::Type::ExchangeCADModel != type)
exCadModel = HPS::Exchange::Factory::CreateCADModel();
comp = HPS::ExchangeParasolid::File::AddEntity(exCadModel, body, translation);
// Create PsComponent mapper
if (NULL != m_psMapper)
delete m_psMapper;
m_psMapper = new PsComponentMapper(exCadModel);
exCadModel = (HPS::Exchange::CADModel)cadModel;
if (((ExPsProcess*)m_pProcess)->m_bIsPart)
//comp = HPS::ExchangeParasolid::File::AddEntity(m_addCompPath, body, translation);
comp = HPS::ExchangeParasolid::File::AddEntity(exCadModel, body, translation);
comp = HPS::ExchangeParasolid::File::AddEntity(exCadModel, body, translation);
// PsComponent mapper
InitPsBodyMap((int)body, comp);
if (HPS::Type::ExchangeCADModel != type)
// Create component path for adding body
HPS::Component::ComponentType compType = comp.GetComponentType();
while (HPS::Component::ComponentType::ExchangePartDefinition != compType)
HPS::ComponentArray compArr = comp.GetOwners();
comp = compArr[0];
compType = comp.GetComponentType();
HPS::ComponentArray compPathArr;
while (HPS::Component::ComponentType::ExchangeModelFile != compType)
HPS::ComponentArray compArr = comp.GetOwners();
comp = compArr[0];
compType = comp.GetComponentType();
m_addCompPath = HPS::ComponentPath(compPathArr);
// Set model file
// Set model to view
// Set CAD model