When you import a CAD model in HOOPS Visualize using HOOPS Exchange integration (HOOPS Sprocket Exchange) the HPS::Exchange::CADModel structure in HOOPS Visualize allows a mapping between the PRC data and the model graphic representation.
The data mapping is detailed in our online documentation:
Once you have imported a model using HPS::Exchange::File::Import(…) there is a mapping between HPS::Exchange::CADModel and the PRC in memory, and also between HPS::Exchange::CADModel and HPS::Model.
From a CADModel you can browse the structure to find HPS::Exchange::Component and for each component you can query:
- The PRC entity pointer: GetExchangeEntity()
- The KeyPath from HPS::Model : GetKeys()
HPS::Exchange::CADModel structure reproduce the PRC structure. It is a component tree.
Here is a representation of a simple PRC and how it would map with HOOPS Visualize data:
Code example
//Simple function that take HPS::CADModel as input
//Go through a ModelFile
//Convert entity to Exchange entity
//Finally use Echange API to compute physical properties
void traversePRCAndExportPhysicalProperties(HPS::CADModel modelFile)
ComponentArray productOccurences = modelFile.GetSubcomponents();
std::ofstream fichier("C:\\result.txt", std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
fichier << "Exchange traverse report" << std::endl; fichier << "ProductOccurences: " << productOccurences.size() << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < productOccurences.size(); ++i)
ComponentArray PartDefinition = productOccurences[i].GetSubcomponents();
fichier << "\tProductOccurences#" << i << " contains " << PartDefinition.size() << " Part Definition" << std::endl;
for (int j = 0; j < PartDefinition.size(); ++j)
{ ComponentArray RepresentationItem = PartDefinition[j].GetSubcomponents();
fichier << "\t\tPartDefinition#" << j << " contains " << RepresentationItem.size() << " RI" << std::endl;
for (int k = 0; k < RepresentationItem.size(); ++k)
ComponentArray RIBrepModels = RepresentationItem[k].GetSubcomponents();
fichier << "\t\t\tReprensetationItem#" << k << " contains " << RIBrepModels.size() << " RIBrepModels" << std::endl;
for (int l = 0; l < RIBrepModels.size(); ++l)
fichier << "\t\t\t BrepModel#" << l << std::endl;
if (RIBrepModels[l].GetComponentType() == Component::ComponentType::ExchangeRIBRepModel)
{ const A3DRiBrepModel* pRiBrepModel = (A3DRiBrepModel*)((Exchange::Component)RIBrepModels[l]).GetExchangeEntity();
A3DPhysicalPropertiesData physPropData;
A3D_INITIALIZE_DATA(A3DPhysicalPropertiesData, physPropData);
A3DVector3dData v3d;
A3D_INITIALIZE_DATA(A3DVector3dData, v3d);
v3d.m_dX = 1;
v3d.m_dY = 1;
v3d.m_dZ = 1;
A3DUns32 iRet = A3DComputePhysicalProperties(pRiBrepModel, NULL, &physPropData);
if (iRet == A3D_SUCCESS)
fichier << "\t\t\t\t Center gravity: " << physPropData.m_sGravityCenter.m_dX << "; " << physPropData.m_sGravityCenter.m_dY << "; " << physPropData.m_sGravityCenter.m_dZ << std::endl;
if (physPropData.m_bVolumeComputed)
fichier << "\t\t\t\t Volume: " << physPropData.m_dVolume << std::endl;
fichier << "\t\t\t\t Surface: " << physPropData.m_dSurface << std::endl;
} // Part Definition
}// Product occurence}