On the HOOPS Communicator WebViewer, after orbit screen rotation, I would like to use a keyboard event as a trigger to scan the PMI dimension strings that were imported at the same time as the CAD conversion, and invert any strings that are upside down in the line of sight to reduce misreading and misjudgment.
I would like to know the procedure for tracing from the node, mesh, to PMI, and to invert any strings that are upside down due to the PMI text placement and view search direction.
If there was a minimal script sample I could make some adjustments and apply it, what do you think?
Hello @iijima,
The node of PMI have mesh data which contains data for frames and lines as well as text. You will need an access to children of the PMI like mesh data for text in the node to invert strings. but this is not available in the webviewer unfortunately.