Below is sample code to find all geometry inside a given area/volume using selection.
Covert rectangular region used in Selection_By_Area() into a polyline describing the area box.
Call Compute_Selection_By_Polyline()
Compute_Selection_By_Polyline() will select and return all geometries intersecting this polyline
- Call Copute_Selection_By_Area().
Compute_Selection_By_Area() lets you specify a rectangular region of the screen instead of a single point. Every item of geometry within or overlapping that region is identified and returned as part of the selection event.
- Using the selection results from Selection_By_Area() and cross-checking the selection results from Selection_By_Polyline, you will find all geometries inside your rectangle region.
Sample code is tested in HOOPS PartViewer
Sample Code:
void CSolidHoopsView::OnExtraSlot5()
HC_Open_Segment_By_Key(m_pHView->GetSceneKey()); {
float cube[24] = {
-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f,
1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f,
-1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f,
1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f,
-1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f,
1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f,
-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f,
1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
int conn[30] = {
4, 0,1,3,2,
4, 1,5,7,3,
4, 5,4,6,7,
4, 4,0,2,6,
4, 2,3,7,6,
4, 4,5,1,0 };
// insert two cubes
HC_Open_Segment("enclosed"); {
HC_Insert_Shell(8, cube, 30, conn);
HC_Scale_Object(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);
} HC_Close_Segment();
HC_Open_Segment("intersecting"); {
HC_Insert_Shell(8, cube, 30, conn);
HC_Scale_Object(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);
HC_Translate_Object(1.0, 0, 0);
} HC_Close_Segment();
// insert markers to visually see selection points
// geometry is not selectable
HC_Open_Segment_By_Key(m_pHView->GetModelKey()); {
HC_Open_Segment("selection_markers"); {
HC_Insert_Marker(cube[0], cube[1], cube[2]);
HC_Insert_Marker(cube[3], cube[4], cube[6]);
HC_Insert_Marker(cube[6], cube[7], cube[8]);
HC_Insert_Marker(cube[9], cube[10], cube[11]);
HC_Set_Rendering_Options("depth range=(0,0.1)");
} HC_Close_Segment();
} HC_Close_Segment();
// Convert markers points (world) to window coordinates
HPoint topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight;
HC_KEY key_path[3] = { m_pHView->GetModelKey(), m_pHView->GetIncludeLinkKey(), m_pHView->GetViewKey() };
HC_Compute_Coordinates_By_Path(3, key_path, "world", &cube[0], "local window", &bottomLeft);
HC_Compute_Coordinates_By_Path(3, key_path, "world", &cube[3], "local window", &bottomRight);
HC_Compute_Coordinates_By_Path(3, key_path, "world", &cube[6], "local window", &topLeft);
HC_Compute_Coordinates_By_Path(3, key_path, "world", &cube[9], "local window", &topRight);
int count_selection_by_line;
HPoint points[5] = { topLeft, bottomLeft, bottomRight, topRight, topLeft };
// Select only intersecting cube
HC_Open_Segment_By_Key(m_pHView->GetViewKey()); {
count_selection_by_line = HC_Compute_Selection_By_Polyline(".", "./scene", "v, selection level = entity,related selection limit = 5", 5, points);
} HC_Close_Segment();
// Remove this key from the selection list when calling Selection_By_Area
if (count_selection_by_line)
do {
int count;
HC_KEY* selection_path = new HC_KEY[count];
HC_Show_Selection_Keys(&count, selection_path);
testKey = selection_path[0];
} while (HC_Find_Related_Selection());
// Area selection to select all geometries (overlapping and within)
int count_selection_by_area;
HC_Open_Segment_By_Key(m_pHView->GetViewKey()); {
count_selection_by_area = HC_Compute_Selection_By_Area(".", "./scene", "v, selection level = entity,related selection limit = 5", topLeft.x, bottomRight.x, bottomLeft.y, topRight.y);
} HC_Close_Segment();
if (count_selection_by_area)
do {
HC_KEY key;
int o1, o2;
HC_Show_Selection_Item(&key, &o1, &o2);
// test to see if geometry is inside rectangle region
if (key != testKey)
// selected geometry is inside rectangle region
} while (HC_Find_Related_Selection());