How to specify the folder for all models using a SCS library

I’m trying to set up a self created instance of the SCS for my project using this guide here: Library

With the property “modelSearchDirs” of the config struct, I should be able to specify the location where all the scs files are stored.
But I simply can’t find out how to specify the folder???
Do I have to enter a realtive string, an absolute, backslashes or not, from where is the path searched?

This is my folder structure:

│   ├───.cmake
│   │   └───api
│   │       └───v1
│   │           ├───query
│   │           │   └───client-vscode
│   │           └───reply
│   ├───bin
│   │   └───Release
│   ├───CMakeFiles
│   │   ├───3.17.3
│   │   │   ├───CompilerIdC
│   │   │   │   ├───Debug
│   │   │   │   │   └───CompilerIdC.tlog
│   │   │   │   └───tmp
│   │   │   ├───CompilerIdCXX
│   │   │   │   ├───Debug
│   │   │   │   │   └───CompilerIdCXX.tlog
│   │   │   │   └───tmp
│   │   │   └───x64
│   │   │       └───Debug
│   │   │           └───VCTargetsPath.tlog
│   │   ├───8aa480170f12fb14ef23bb2f743f384c
│   │   └───CMakeTmp
│   ├───hoopsproject.dir
│   │   └───Release
│   │       └───hoopsproject.tlog
│   ├───Release
│   └───x64
│       └───Release
│           ├───ALL_BUILD
│           │   └───ALL_BUILD.tlog
│           └───ZERO_CHECK
│               └───ZERO_CHECK.tlog
│   └───shader

My model is in models (obviously) and the generated exe is in build/Release.
How do i specify the folder correctly so that it finds the model and not crashes?

PS: The error message from the server is: <OPEN_MODEL_FAILED reason="UNKNOWN_MODEL" name="microengine.scs">

Okay i got it working, but the problem was not really the directory path, but instead the model that I used.
You MUST use .scz files for the SCS, .scs files will not work, because they are not streamable.
This is also in the FAQ but i haven’t seen it until now.

The folder path is relative to the Current Working Directory.

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