How to use the model comparison function to output a model with B-Rep information instead of just face information

Does the model comparison generate models with only face information and no B-Rep information?


this is correct. The modelfile outputed is provided to help understand the changes between the two versions. This is documented here:

[A3DRiSet]* A3DCompareOutputData::m_pResultRiSet
RiSet containing the resulting data: faces with different colors according to their status and also faceted data that represents subparts of the original faces to better understand what’s different between the two groups.

If you want to provide colour information to the original Breps, you would need to go through the result faces and apply the colour manually.

Best regards,

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How to check and give color on the original Breps surface,That feels a bit difficult…

one possibility is to use this piece of code, effectively overriding colour at face level is not handy using PRC. But maybe you don’t need to override the color in the PRC itself but just in your own datamodel?

Best regards,

MyVisitorRemoveColours.cpp (11.0 KB)
MyVisitorRemoveColours.h (2.0 KB)

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