How to use the right Tech Soft 3D resources to find information

Our forum is designed for everyone, from our partners to our evaluators to use. However, there may be some instances where it may make more sense to use one of our other tools. Below, we’ll go over the best ways to get the information you’re looking for.

Docs– Your go-to place for APIs and other technical documentation.

Knowledge Base– This is the place where you’ll find information that complements our existing documentation, from deep dives, to code snippets. If you can’t find information in our Docs, be sure to search the knowledge base before asking a question.

Support Portal– If you are a partner, this is the place to go if you’re dealing with bugs or have specific feature requests. You’re free to post the question in the forum still, but if it needs quick attention and is specific to you, it’s best to open a ticket with support. If you have any trouble with your support account, feel free to reach out to @gabriel.peragine.

Forum– This is the primary place to get news, connect with other developers, and get general questions answered. Since those evaluating our products cannot access our support, this is the place for you to ask questions. Evaluators are also encouraged to suggest features in the Feature Voting topic.

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