Is there a system that assigns a unique identifier to each A3DTreeNode
node in a A3DTree
Not all nodes have names. Moreover, when converting a file to xml using the ImportExport example, I see the following on the XML:
<UserData Title="UNIQUE_ID">
<UserValue Type="String" Value="1a117b7e-495e-4e39-8c5b-3a2cfe43c0ab-00057ac2" />
So it seems that at some point the exchanger creates unique ids for the exported data. I would like to get these identifiers from the nodes.
I also see an ID on the ProductOccurrence:
<ProductOccurrence pointer="0x63fd04a51940" Id="16" Name="Door-Curtain-Wall-Single-Glass" Layer="65535" Style="65535" Behaviour="1" Children="17" ModellerType="50" ProductLoadStatus="0" ProductFlag="2" Unit="304.80000000000001" DensityVolumeUnit="1" DensityMassUnit="1" UnitFromCAD="1" RGB="0.753 0.753 0.753">
<Transformation RelativeTransfo="1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1" />
<A3DMiscMaterialPropertiesData m_dDensity="-1" />
Does that correspond to one of the fields in here ? A3DRootBaseData — HOOPS Exchange Documentation
Or where does it come from?