PUBLISH command, Background option in the OEM MakeWizard

There is an unexpected behavior that occurs when running the PUBLISH command with the Background option selected, which is usually default.
Although the process most likely will hang when running from the MakeWizard, this is not a bug.


The behavior appears only on the developer machine when running your OEM based application from the MakeWizard. It does not appear in the “relaxed” version of AutoCAD OEM 2023.

The reason for the issue is the introduction of BGCOREPUBLISH with the 2022 release that uses multiple cores to speed up the Publish process, particularly in AcCoreConsole.

What you need to do when running from the MakeWizard:

  • enable BGCOREPUBLISH in the ‘AutoCAD Commands’ tab.
  • assign the value ‘OFF’, to ensure single core is used for background publishing
  • (system variable BACKGROUNDPLOT needs to be ‘2’ or ‘3’)

The behavior in an installed, stamped OEM based product will be different to the end user:
The BGCOREPUBLISH may be set to the value ‘ON’ to utilize multiple cores and publish in super speed. This is due to the presence of a local automation server, das.local.exe, for running multiple jobs on multiple cores. This EXE is not copied by the MakeWizard to your target directory, but is taken care of by the InstallWizard when creating the deployment.
You can find it in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD OEM 2023 - <YOUR LANGUAGE>\Design Automation\Bin

To my knowledge this behavior applies only to PUBLISH, background PLOT works as expected also from the MakeWizard.

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