Touchpad + CameraPan Operator


Looking for some help on how to allow a user to use the touchpad to camera pan - it looks like out of the box you can zoom, select, rotate but haven’t seen anything that suggests you can allow a camera pan with the touchpad. Is it possible with a custom operator?


Hello @justin.larosa,

By default, panning can be done using a touchpad with the help of the keyboard modifier CTRL. Hold down CTRL then double-tap + drag on the touchpad.

You can also dolly the camera by using SHIFT (instead of CTRL) and using the same double-tap + drag movement.


Thanks @tino is it also feasible to create a custom operator that would allow the user to simply double tap + drag or double click and drag on the touchpad to pan ?

Yes, a custom operator can handle the behavior that you want. As a reference, we publish the TypeScript for the operators in the Communicator package. Most relevant to you is
the source for the Nav operator which you find in the directory:


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