A black screen appears on Windows when the model exceeding 1 GB is loaded

There are a couple of things you can do to reduce the memory footprint of a model in HOOPS Communicator, which is probably the reason you see this issue, in particular on lower-end graphics cards:

  • Use the streaming mode instead of scs loading. This mode will generally leave more data on the server and thereby reduces memory pressure on the client.
  • Adjust the streamCutoffScale during startup. Choosing a higher value will mean data only above a certain size will be requested from the server
  • Set a memoryLimit on startup. If the viewers memory exceeds this value, it will unload existing geometry before new geometry will be streamed.
  • use the onDemand streaming mode to be able to choose which part of the model will be streamed.
  • Use SSR (server-side rendering) to render the model completely server-side, in which case the client-side memory footprint will be massively reduced.
  • When converting the model, adjust the –tessellation_quality command line option for converter to a low value. This should reduce the models overall triangle count though it depends on the input model if changing this parameter will have any effect.
  • Set the –generate_LODs command line option, in which case converter will create multiple detail levels for each brep body in a model. You then have control over which LOD level to load during viewing.

I hope this helps

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