Command line option to show more information

Is there any verbose flag to show more information during conversion ?

Hey @vias.giraud –

First off welcome to the forum! Can you specify what additional information you would like to show?

More error messages or detailed message in case the conversion fails

I get Failed to send HTTP ping: response=‘Protocol “https” not supported or disabled in libcurl’ error message from stream cache server. Any idea ?

Hello and welcome to the forum @vias.giraud,

The error message that you are getting:

Failed to send HTTP ping: response=‘Protocol “https” not supported or disabled in libcurl’

…looks like is coming from the Stream Cache server and not the Converter. In which case, to change the logging, you can specify the settings in the file server_config.js found in the directory:

Please search for parameters starting with “log*”.

Getting back to the error message, certain versions of Communicator (v2022 and earlier), did prompt this message for Linux and Mac versions but a fix was released in v2023. If you are already on a more recent vesion of Communicator, it would probably be best to create a support ticket in our Communicator support portal so that you can provide the details of your build.


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Yes you are right, Its coming from Stream Cache server .For your information, I 'm using Hoops 24.1.0 version.