Compatibility issues of HOOPS Converter v24.8 when converting Revit 2020 files on Kylin V10 based on Intel architecture

I encountered an issue while using HOOPS Converter v24.8 (SC v76 Build 99663ce) to convert Revit 2020 files on the Kylin V10 server operating system based on Intel chips. The converter prompts’ unsupported file format ', but there is no problem converting the same file on Ubuntu 20.04.

I would like to ask:

Is it possible that I made an error during the operation?
Do you need to install specific dependency libraries?
Or does the converter not support the Kylin V10 server operating system?

Hello @619944680,

Admittedly, I’m not all that familiar with KylinOS. This distro looks to be localized for the Chinese market.

I’ve tried to install it as a base image in a Docker image but either KylinOS is not available (even though it shows up in a repo search) or there is a timeout when downloading the metadata when building the image.

Perhaps as a starting point, can you check if the following dependencies are installed in the machine:

  • xorg-x11-server-Xvfb
  • mesa-libGLU
  • libXdamage

Also, does the message unsupported file format also apply to other file formats besides Revit?
