HOOPS Comm. 2021 - Converter fail on Linux (IFC file)

I downloaded HOOPS_Communicator_2021_Linux version and tried the converter on Centos 8 and Ubuntu 18 and the converter fail to convert an IFC file that works just fine when using the Windows package. Do I have to install some necessary packages to run the converter on Linux?

The server run fine after installing necessary packages.

I don’t have any message explaining the error, I leave the log but I don’t think it helps.

[01/19/2021 23-41-25-000 D:0 PID:1518 M:324MB]INFO: HOOPS Converter v9.0 - SC v70 Build 2fc2526
        [01/19/2021 23-41-25-000 D:0 PID:1518 M:324MB]INFO: Component initialization
                [01/19/2021 23-41-25-000 D:0 PID:1518 M:324MB]INFO: Initializing HPS::World
                [01/19/2021 23-41-25-000 D:0 PID:1518 M:448MB]INFO: Initializing Exchange
                [01/19/2021 23-41-30-000 D:0 PID:1518 M:1195MB]INFO: Initializing HPS
        [01/19/2021 23-41-30-000 D:5000 PID:1518 M:1195MB]INFO: Component initialization done
        [01/19/2021 23-41-30-000 D:0 PID:1518 M:1195MB]INFO: Loading test.ifc
                [01/19/2021 23-41-44-000 D:0 PID:1518 M:1601MB]INFO: Model info
                        [01/19/2021 23-41-44-000 D:0 PID:1518 M:1601MB]INFO: Point: 0
                        [01/19/2021 23-41-44-000 D:0 PID:1518 M:1601MB]INFO: Surface: 0
                        [01/19/2021 23-41-44-000 D:0 PID:1518 M:1601MB]INFO: Solid: 7306
                        [01/19/2021 23-41-44-000 D:0 PID:1518 M:1601MB]INFO: ShellBasedSurface: 0
                        [01/19/2021 23-41-44-000 D:0 PID:1518 M:1601MB]INFO: Curve: 0
                        [01/19/2021 23-41-44-000 D:0 PID:1518 M:1601MB]INFO: Vertex: 38792
                        [01/19/2021 23-41-44-000 D:0 PID:1518 M:1601MB]INFO: Edge: 59102
                        [01/19/2021 23-41-44-000 D:0 PID:1518 M:1601MB]INFO: Loop: 27930
                        [01/19/2021 23-41-44-000 D:0 PID:1518 M:1601MB]INFO: Face: 26463
                        [01/19/2021 23-41-44-000 D:0 PID:1518 M:1601MB]INFO: Shell: 2990
                        [01/19/2021 23-41-44-000 D:0 PID:1518 M:1601MB]INFO: 3D: 0
                [01/19/2021 23-41-44-000 D:0 PID:1518 M:1601MB]INFO: Model info done
                [01/19/2021 23-41-44-000 D:0 PID:1518 M:1589MB]INFO: GetModelFileInfo: Start
                [01/19/2021 23-41-44-000 D:0 PID:1518 M:1589MB]INFO: GetModelFileInfo: Complete
        [01/19/2021 23-41-44-000 D:14000 PID:1518 M:1589MB]INFO: Loading test.ifc done
        [01/19/2021 23-41-44-000 D:0 PID:1518 M:1589MB]INFO: Exporting
                [01/19/2021 23-41-44-000 D:0 PID:1518 M:1589MB]INFO: Saving PNG: /home/centos/HOOPS_Communicator_2021/quick_start/converted_models/user/ima                         ges/test.png
Unfortunately we were unable to convert this model.

Do I need a desktop graphics device in order to use the converter? Because I feel like that might be the cause of the issue since is failing when creating the PNG file.

I removed the option --output_png to create the thumbnail and now is working, resolved!

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Hi Emanuele, I’m glad you solved the issue. In order to generate PNGs, we use an off screen window to render the image, so if you want to be able to create PNGs on a headless server, you’ll need to install an X Server or XVFB.
