Definitive way to silent uninstall? (OEM 2024)

Hi all,

Many thanks to those here on the forum who supplied ways to silent install - finally got that working for 2024.
However, this brings us to the case of uninstalling OEM silently when a user uninstalls our product.

Our last commercial release was based on OEM 2021, and to uninstall that we ran the setup.exe with a few key parameters:
/W /Q /P " + product_code + " /R AOEM /language en-US /q
and it used to be removed silently.

OEM 2024 fails and, after a quick investigation of OEM 2024’s installation file structure on our target machine, there isn’t a setup.exe anywhere to be found??

I was therefore wondering if anyone had found a definitive way of removing OEM 2024 silently from a command line?
I think we have the GUID of the OEM stored in that product_code mentioned above that we supply to the 2021 uninstall - not sure if that helps?

Any help, greatly appreciated!



Just for completeness, as it’s not obvious:

“C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AdODIS\V1\installer.exe” -i uninstall -q -m “C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ODIS\metadata{5320FEDA-D5FD-4623-AA8B-4445BE40AE8B}\bundleManifest.xml” -WindowStyle Hidden -IgnoreExitCodes 1603

where the strange GUID needs to be replaced by the value taken from the ‘UPI2’ value in the setup.xml generated when the OEM Installer Wizard finishes.

Might be useful to include a batch file with this command in if you’re coming from 2022 or earlier instead of running SETUP.EXE with the uninstall command switches.

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