the floorplan feature currently only works with converted IFC models. Is that what you are viewing?
Also make sure to specify the units in your call to setOverlaySize:
this._viewer.floorplanManager.setOverlaySize(new Communicator.Point2(0.2,0.2), Communicator.OverlayUnit.ProportionOfCanvas, Communicator.OverlayUnit.ProportionOfCanvas);
(If you have the model as an scs you can upload it to the live demo by simply dragging the scs on the viewer window and replacing the loadSubtree call)
I did try using the sandbox with my model. It did not show the floorplan. It might be that something is happeing when I convert my models. Can you look into the parameters I use?
Are there somewhere I can upload my SCS to you?
Edit: It did work with the arboleda.scs file in my project, so it is something about the convert tool or parameters.
Can you try converting your IFC model with the provided convert_file batch file from the package in the quick_start folder.( You will find the converted scs file in the quick_start/converted_models/user/scs_models directory). Its possible that you need to set --sc_export_attributes 1 in your command line.