On some occasions, we hit a 3D model with missing meshes. So we keep hitting crashes when trying to instance or simply when trying to get a bounding box. I was wondering if there’s was an easy check we could try on node IDs to test whether they are faulty or not.
Hello @guillaume.robichaud,
So there is not a function that directly confirms if a given meshData
object is valid (contains geometry).
You can try using a .catch()
.then(meshData => {
console.log('Mesh Data:', meshData);
// Process the meshData
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error fetching node mesh data:', error);
The documentation for getNodeMeshData says it returns a MeshDataCopy which is
A self-contained copy of the data of a single mesh
It feels really inefficient to copy all valid meshes, just to find the faulty ones, especially when the intent is to instance an already loaded part.
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Indeed, it can be an expensive operation. I’ll see about creating a feature request to address this.
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