How to use the new licensing system in Envision

New unified HOOPS license system in Envision (Web and Desktop)

From version 1.0 , Envision (Web and Desktop) uses the unified HOOPS license. The same license can be used across all CEETRON and HOOPS products, given that the license has the needed features enabled. This license key is a long string and it replaces the two keys (KeyA and KeyB) that were used in C3 and CDC.

For CEETRON Envision Web, the license can be specified with the ugServer.setLicenseCode(myCode). You can also copy your hoops_license.h (downloaded from the Developer Zone) into the same folder as the server code. For more help, please see the documentation here.

For CEETRON Envision Desktop, you need to provide the string to cee::CoreComponent::initialize(). One way to do this is to use hoops_license.h (downloaded from the Developer Zone) as shown below:

#include “hoops_license.h”

// Initialize the parts of CEETRON Envision Desktop that we’ll use.
g_componentInstance = cee::CoreComponent::initialize(HOOPS_LICENSE);

For more information, please see the documentation here.