Language: C#
This is a C# variant of the C++ animation sample presented here.
The 3DF Visualize service pack has a basic sandbox Visual Studio project based in C#. The project is called “csharp_simple_csXXX”. The project is part of the solution called “samples_v14X.sln” found immediately under the root directory of the 3DF service package. Once the aforementioned solution is open, expand the “demo” folder:
In contrast to other sandboxes, csharp_simple does not have empty user code function slots. To get around that, we can just “re-use” and existing function called actionAnnotateMenu_Click()
Locate the file “SimpleHNForm.cs” and replace the existing function:
public void actionAnnotateMenu_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
m_pHNPanel.SetCurrentOperator(new HOpMarkupAnnotate(m_pHNPanel.m_pHView));
with the following code:
void insertCube(String x, HBaseView view, HPoint pos, String color = "green")
int points = 8, faces = 30;
float[] pts = {
-0.1f + pos.x, -0.1f + pos.y, -0.1f + pos.z,
0.1f + pos.x, -0.1f + pos.y, -0.1f + pos.z,
0.1f + pos.x, 0.1f + pos.y, -0.1f + pos.z,
-0.1f + pos.x, 0.1f + pos.y, -0.1f + pos.z,
-0.1f + pos.x, -0.1f + pos.y, 0.1f + pos.z,
0.1f + pos.x, -0.1f + pos.y, 0.1f + pos.z,
0.1f + pos.x, 0.1f + pos.y, 0.1f + pos.z,
-0.1f + pos.x, 0.1f + pos.y, 0.1f + pos.z
int[] faceList = { 4, 0, 1, 2, 3,
4, 1, 5, 6, 2,
4, 5, 4, 7, 6,
4, 4, 0, 3, 7,
4, 3, 2, 6, 7,
4, 0, 4, 5, 1 };
HCS.Insert_Shell(points, pts, faces, faceList);
float gen_random(Random ran)
float r = ran.Next(0, 100) / 100.0f;
return r;
public void actionAnnotateMenu_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//m_pHNPanel.SetCurrentOperator(new HOpMarkupAnnotate(m_pHNPanel.m_pHView));
Random ran = new Random();
float[] pos = { 5.971055f, 5.972775f, 5.967750f };
float[] tar = { 0.977285f, 0.979005f, 0.973980f };
float[] up = { -0.408248f, -0.408248f, 0.816497f };
HCS.Set_Camera(pos, tar, up, 3.459487f, 3.459487f, "orthographic");
HBhvBehaviorManager bm = m_pHNPanel.m_pHView.GetModel().GetBhvBehaviorManager();
String cubeSegName = "";
String animationName = "";
String spathName = "";
String depthSegName = "";
String runningSegName = "";
int depth = 1; // control how many subsegments are created
for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < depth; j++)
depthSegName = String.Format("{0}_parent_{1}", i, j);
if (j < 1)
runningSegName = String.Format("{0}", depthSegName);
runningSegName = String.Format("{0}/{1}", runningSegName, depthSegName);
cubeSegName = String.Format("cube_{0}", i);
animationName = String.Format("move_{0}", i);
spathName = String.Format("SPATH:MODEL/{0}/cube_{1}", runningSegName, i);
insertCube(cubeSegName, m_pHNPanel.m_pHView, new HPoint(gen_random(ran), gen_random(ran), gen_random(ran)));
HPoint p0 = new HPoint(0, 0, 0);
bm.AddAnimation(animationName, spathName, p0);
HPoint rand_start_end = new HPoint(gen_random(ran), gen_random(ran), gen_random(ran));
HPoint posB = new HPoint(gen_random(ran), gen_random(ran), gen_random(ran));
HPoint posC = new HPoint(gen_random(ran), gen_random(ran), gen_random(ran));
HPoint posD = new HPoint(gen_random(ran), gen_random(ran), gen_random(ran));
bm.AddPositionKeyframe(animationName, 0, rand_start_end, true);
bm.AddPositionKeyframe(animationName, 10, posB, true);
bm.AddPositionKeyframe(animationName, 20, posC, true);
bm.AddPositionKeyframe(animationName, 30, posD, true);
bm.AddPositionKeyframe(animationName, 40, rand_start_end, true);
Below is a short video of the animation: