Language: C++
The code provided below can be executed in the HOOPS 3D PartViewer Visual Studio project:
- Open “samples_v14x.sln” found in the root directory of the 3DF service package.
- In the VS project “hoopspartviewer_v14x”, navigate to the C++ file called “CSolidHoopsView.cpp”. The user slots are at the bottom of the file. Add the following code:
void insertCube(char *x, HBaseView *view, HPoint pos, char *color = "green")
int points = 8, faces = 30;
HPoint pts[8];
int faceList[30] = { 4, 0, 1, 2, 3,
4, 1, 5, 6, 2,
4, 5, 4, 7, 6,
4, 4, 0, 3, 7,
4, 3, 2, 6, 7,
4, 0, 4, 5, 1 };
HC_Open_Segment_By_Key(view->GetModelKey()); {
HC_Open_Segment(x); {
char mycolor[128];
sprintf_s(mycolor, "faces=%s", color);
pts[0].Set(-0.1 + pos.x, -0.1 + pos.y, -0.1 + pos.z);
pts[1].Set(0.1 + pos.x, -0.1 + pos.y, -0.1 + pos.z);
pts[2].Set(0.1 + pos.x, 0.1 + pos.y, -0.1 + pos.z);
pts[3].Set(-0.1 + pos.x, 0.1 + pos.y, -0.1 + pos.z);
pts[4].Set(-0.1 + pos.x, -0.1 + pos.y, 0.1 + pos.z);
pts[5].Set(0.1 + pos.x, -0.1 + pos.y, 0.1 + pos.z);
pts[6].Set(0.1 + pos.x, 0.1 + pos.y, 0.1 + pos.z);
pts[7].Set(-0.1 + pos.x, 0.1 + pos.y, 0.1 + pos.z);
HC_Insert_Shell(points, pts, faces, faceList);
} HC_Close_Segment();
} HC_Close_Segment();
void CSolidHoopsView::OnExtraSlot1()
HC_Open_Segment_By_Key(m_pHView->GetSceneKey()); {
HPoint pos(5.586103f, -3.646103f, 5.586103);
HPoint tar(0.960000f, 0.980000f, 0.960000f);
HPoint up(-0.408248f, 0.408248f, 0.816497f);
HC_Set_Camera(&pos, &tar, &up, 3.205059, 3.205059, "orthographic");
} HC_Close_Segment();
HBhvBehaviorManager *bm = m_pHView->GetModel()->GetBhvBehaviorManager();
char segName[64];
char animationName[64];
char spathName[64];
//Currently set at animating 200 cubes
for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
sprintf(segName, "cube_%i", i);
sprintf(animationName, "move_%i", i);
sprintf(spathName, "SPATH:MODEL/cube_%i", i);
double rand_0 = (rand() % 100) / 100.0;
double rand_1 = (rand() % 100) / 100.0;
double rand_2 = (rand() % 100) / 100.0;
insertCube(segName, m_pHView, HPoint(rand_0, rand_1, rand_2));
HPoint p0(0, 0, 0);
bm->AddAnimation(animationName, spathName, &p0);
HPoint rand_start_end((rand() % 100) / 100.0, (rand() % 100) / 100.0, (rand() % 100) / 100.0),
posB((rand() % 100) / 100.0, (rand() % 100) / 100.0, (rand() % 100) / 100.0),
posC((rand() % 100) / 100.0, (rand() % 100) / 100.0, (rand() % 100) / 100.0),
posD((rand() % 100) / 100.0, (rand() % 100) / 100.0, (rand() % 100) / 100.0);
bm->AddPositionKeyframe(animationName, 0, rand_start_end, true);
bm->AddPositionKeyframe(animationName, 10, posB, true);
bm->AddPositionKeyframe(animationName, 20, posC, true);
bm->AddPositionKeyframe(animationName, 30, posD, true);
bm->AddPositionKeyframe(animationName, 40, rand_start_end, true);
This code was originally part of a general stress test. The animation creates 200 cubes with each cube having its own segment.
Attached is a video (with audio narration) of the animation in the Part Viewer: