Hi Alberto,
TL;DR - Yes, you can run Communicator on a Windows host, but SSR does not work. See our docker documentation for more info and a link to some docker files.
Long answer:
It is possible to run docker containers on a Windows host, but only for using client side streaming and using converter. I generally use a Centos or Ubuntu image.
I’ll also add that using converter to generate thumbnails doesn’t always work on a non-GPU enabled docker container, but your mileage may vary.
I often use docker on a Windows host to test HC on different Linux distros and I find it works well. Also, I just confirmed that it is indeed working with the latest version of Communicator:
To get things working, you need to ensure you are forwarding the correct ports to the host. You can read about what ports are used for what with the default quick start setup by having a read through this table.
Here is a quick example of launching an Ubuntu image and mapping it to the CWD in Windows (where I have the Linux HOOPS Communicator package) and also mapping a few ports:
docker run -it -p11180:11180 -p11181:11181 -p11182:11182 -p11000:11000 -p11001:11001 -v %cd%:/home ubuntu
From here you can uncompress the package in the Linux machine, navigate to the quick_start folder, and then start the server. Then it’s just a matter of opening a browser on your host machine and going to the quick start URL.
Since I keep a bare bones Linux image ready to use, I just start up docker with a batch file with a command similar to the above and then install whatever product I’m working with, build out the desired environment by installing packages, and then go from there. I think creating a docker file may be a better idea for use in a dev team where you want everyone to have the same environment.
You’ll see SSR does not work, however, and that’s because you need access to the GPU and currently the only reliable way I know of doing that is by using the the nVidia Container Toolkit . You saw me use this in the above mentioned Youtube video and unfortunately, this toolkit is not supported on a Windows host. See here for platform information.
Hope that helps and let me know if you have more questions.