How can I apply colors to SC model parts that already have texture mapping?

Hi, I want to change the colors of all bodies uniformly, but this operation seems to be applies only to bodies that are not texture-mapped.

      const colorMap = new Map<number, Communicator.Color>();
      for (const leafNodeId of leafNodeList) {
        colorMap.set(leafNodeId, color);
      colorMap.set(rootNodeId, color);
      await this._viewer.model.setNodesColors(colorMap);

How can I apply colors to SC model parts that already have texture mapping?

Hello @hwkim,

Changing the color of a node is not possible when it has a texture already applied to it. We’ll go ahead and create a feature request on your behalf.


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Hello @tino

I have the same needs. Is this solved?


Hello @15089700278,

This feature request is still being reviewed and evaluated. No further updates are available at this time.
