How to get Converter running in Docker

This knowledgebase article talks about building a Docker image and running a Converter container:

  1. Download a fresh Linux copy of Communicator from the Developer Zone, if you don’t have one already.

  2. Download the following zip file and unzip its contents to the root directory of the extracted package from step #1: (563 Bytes)

So at this point, if you called ls -l on the root directory, you would get this:

  1. Run the following command to ensure that has the proper permissions BEFORE building the image:
    chmod +x

  2. Build the Docker image with this command:
    sudo docker build -t communicator-converter:latest .

  3. Run a Docker container with the following command (NOTE: modifications are needed to fit your environment – marked in bold font):
    sudo docker run --mount type=bind,source=/home/ubuntu/HOOPS_Communicator_2023_SPXx /authoring/converter/example/_data/Moto,target=/opt/ts3d/cadfiles --mount type=bind,source=/home/ubuntu/HOOPS_Communicator_2023_SPXx ,target=/opt/ts3d/output communicator-converter --input /opt/ts3d/cadfiles/_MOTO_X.asm --output_scs /opt/ts3d/output/moto.scs --output_png /opt/ts3d/output/moto.png –license ‘your_license_key’

Please change the root directory to fit your environment accordingly. Also, you will need to get your own license key and place it between the single quotes.

Now if all goes according to plan, once the conversion is completed, you should now see moto.png and moto.scs in the root directory:

You can, of course, further modify the command in step #5 to include other Converter command-line options.

If you want to explore further, then check out this post on using Communicator-as-a-Service (Caas).

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