Run converter in docker


I am trying to run the converter in docker (Bitbucket). I have build the image (Using the authoring/converter/bin files taken from the web sdk (downloaded in manage account). But when i try to run the converter command I get the following error:
Failed to load the Exchange SDK

Am i missing some files ?
Can someone point me into the right direction into what I am doing wrong?

Thank you !

Full command and output:

docker run --mount “type=bind,source=/home/stijn/Hoops/communicator-docker/models/to_convert,target=/opt/ts3d/cadfiles” --mount “type=bind,source=/home/stijn/Hoops/communicator-docker/models/converted,target=/opt/ts3d/output” techsoft3d/communicator-converter --input /opt/ts3d/cadfiles/100039907.obj --output_sc /opt/ts3d/output/100039907 --sc_create_scz 1 --sc_compress_scz 1 --output_png “/opt/ts3d/output/100039907.png” --background_color 0.75,0.86,0.97 --output_png_resolution 320x240 --load_all_configurations 1 --sc_export_attributes 1 --license ‘detacted’

[10/16/2020 11-52-09-000 D:0 PID:29 M:136MB]INFO 0: Command Line = /opt/ts3d/bin/linux64/converter --input /opt/ts3d/cadfiles/100039907.obj --output_sc /opt/ts3d/output/100039907 --sc_create_scz 1 --sc_compress_scz 1 --output_png /opt/ts3d/output/100039907.png --background_color 0.75,0.86,0.97 --output_png_resolution 320x240 --load_all_configurations 1 --sc_export_attributes 1 --license detacted

[10/16/2020 11-52-09-000 D:0 PID:29 M:136MB]INFO: HOOPS Converter v8.0 - SC v68 Build e0da558

            [10/16/2020 11-52-09-000 D:0 PID:29 M:136MB]INFO: Component initialization

                            [10/16/2020 11-52-09-000 D:0 PID:29 M:136MB]INFO: Initializing HPS::World

                            [10/16/2020 11-52-10-000 D:0 PID:29 M:256MB]INFO: Initializing Exchange

[10/16/2020 11-52-11-000 D:0 PID:29 M:791MB]ERROR 1: Failed to load the Exchange SDK

[10/16/2020 11-52-11-000 D:0 PID:29 M:767MB]ERROR 1: Component initialization failure

            [10/16/2020 11-52-11-000 D:2000 PID:29 M:767MB]INFO: Exiting: Conversion failed

Converter is using dlopen to load found in the authoring/converter/bin/linux64 folder. Normally this is the same folder as the converter binary, so it’s found via normal search. There are a number of other .so and .tx files in the bin folder that Exchange requires.

Be sure your docker container image contains the entire contents of the converter/bin/linux64 folder. The error you’re showing indicates that the dlopen call failed.


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Thank you very much for your explaination. The error i had was that the was a symlink to the real shared library so docker could not access the file.

Everything works as expected now, thank you!