While HOOPS Visualize has a cutting plane geometry that allows the developer to visualize the cut model with the capping, HOOPS Visualize does not have a capability to get the cut shell geometry, that is necessary to calculate the area of the cut model, etc. Because HOOPS Visualize is not a modeler, you have to license a modeler SDK, or do it yourself. The following code snippet gives you an idea of how to do it. It uses one simple mathmatics equation, and simple HOOPS Shell handling.
// Step 1 : Get Points and FaceList from HPS Shell
HPS::PointArray Points;
HPS::IntArray FaceList;
int iPointSize = (int)Points.size();
int iFaceListSize = (int)FaceList.size();
double a = cutting_plane_normal.x;
double b = cutting_plane_normal.y;
double c = cutting_plane_normal.z;
double d = cutting_planes[translating_plane_offset].d;
double x;
double y;
double z;
// Step 2 : Extract Points and FaceList that are located in the positive side of the cutting plane
int iPointCountOut = 0;
HPS::BoolArray PointSide;
HPS::IntArray PointMap;
HPS::PointArray PointsOut;
HPS::IntArray FaceListOut;
// Evaluate which side each point belongs to, and make another point array with points that are all in positive side
for (int i = 0; i < iPointSize; i++)
x = Points[i].x;
y = Points[i].y;
z = Points[i].z;
if (a * x + b * y + c * z + d > 0)
// Evaluate if each triangle belongs to the positive side, and make another face list array with points that are all on the positive side
for (int i = 0; i < iFaceListSize; i += 4)
if (FaceList[i] != 3)
char msg[1024];
sprintf_s(msg, 1024, "not a triangle");
MessageBoxA(NULL, msg, NULL, 0);
int u = FaceList[i + 1];
int v = FaceList[i + 2];
int w = FaceList[i + 3];
if (PointSide[u] && PointSide[v] && PointSide[w])
// Step 3 : Insert Shell in order to visually check the result
m_keyShellCut.InsertShell(PointsOut, FaceListOut);