Introduce Yourself

Hello I am Hill,
I am a founder of a construction technology software startup and we are integrating a viewer from HOOPS into our platform.

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I am also a founder with a background in construction not software and we are integrating the Hoops viewer into our platform. Have you all had any trouble with large files in your development? We are working through a number of things now and curious is everyone does the same. Thanks

Hey Hill! Excited to have you. :slight_smile:

Hi Hill,
Nice to meet you. We are developing on Inventor OEM and not Hoops. In our case we don’t have any issues related to large files. But, again we are dealing with assemblies up to 500 elements as per now and can’t assume what will happen with larger files. :slight_smile:

ok thanks very much for getting back to me. best of luck!

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Hi, hoops 3D world
I am Jack Yorgee, a developer form China, I have great interesting in developing 3D software with the Hoops SDK. I will be so glad to communicate with everyone.

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Hello Jack!

First off, welcome to our forum :slight_smile: I hope you’re finding everything okay. Is there anything, in particular, you’re looking to do with the HOOPS SDKs?

Thanks, I’m just testing the HOOPS SDK on my IIS, but I can’t find anyway to convert my 3D models to “scs” stream modals, Please give me help.

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You’re using HOOPS Communicator, right? I’d recommend starting with the docs here: Converter Application — HOOPS Communicator 2023 U1 Documentation

If you have any further questions, I’d recommend making a separate post so it gets more eyes on it.

Thanks for reply, I tried this, but the converter create some “.sci” and “.scd” files, it’s format seems different with the “.scs” file which can showing on web. Should the converter needs an enterprise license key to convert for “.scs” file ?

My name is wxl, I work in the software industry and my profession is a software developer. I am particularly interested in the visualization API for 3D PDF.

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Hello, I am developing an application that can preview 3D PDF files without editing functionality. I need to develop a cross-platform application using a hybrid approach, which means using a web-based method to develop the mobile version. Can the current Hoops SDK achieve this? If so, please send me the corresponding links for reference. Also, do these SDKs require authorization codes? If so, could you provide me with one that has a longer duration or is permanent? Thank you.

Hello @990560853! First off, welcome to our forum, we’re glad to have you. :blush:

To answer your question, I think what you’re looking for would be HOOPS Communicator. It’s our web visualization SDK and it includes 3D PDF import. If you want to play around with it, I’d suggest going to our evaluation portal at The license for this should last you 60 days. Once you have HOOPS Communicator downloaded, I’d recommend testing out viewing a model. There’s a guide of how to do that here:

If you have any other questions, please feel free to post here in the forum.

To add to Gabe’s response, if your goal is to view 3D PDF’s “as is” in the browser, meaning the 2d and 3d content I suggest you also look at HOOPS Publish. See below for more information and a sample pdf that runs in the browser:

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Hi! I’m Beau Trifiro and recently joined Tech Soft 3D as a consulting engineer. My background is in mechanical engineering (10 years) and have shifted my focus over the past few years to software. Prior to joining TS3D, I developed a web-based 3D skateboard design platform used by board builders around the world. I am also a maker with experience in digital fabrication technologies, woodworking, and tech education.

Currently, my favorite part of 3D engineering software development is simplifying and/or improving the production of real-world things, and I am excited to see where digital fabrication tech is heading!

I look forward to working with you, and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

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My name is Valerij Bielskij. I’m a dev lead of small team working on the Synchro 4D Pro product, a 4D construction planning tool. This product has been using Hoops Exchange and Hoops Visualize for many years already, I on the other hand, joined Bentley Systems in January this year. Looking forward to occasionally get some help and answers on this forum.


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Welcome Valerij! You’re in the right place. I believe our product manager @marco.salino was actually at Bentley previously. It sounds like you’re doing some cool stuff over there.

You might also want to link up with @dave.calkins – he’s pretty knowledgable about HOOPS Visualize and Exchange.

Welcome! Glad to help where I can to try and make the learning process as smooth as possible!

Hi Valerij, nice to meet you. I have not worked with the Synchro team but i was one of the MicroStation’s product managers for many years (3D modeling, graphics, intechange and item types/automation workflows).

Now i am the product manager for Techsoft 3D’s graphic portfolio.

Please feel free to contact me if you need to.

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CAD software engineer
Empowering industrial workers
Interested in CAD graphics conversion and rendering.
Thanks for current and future direct support and for open conversations.

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