How-To: Set up HOOPS Visualize HPS_WPF_Sandbox to work with HOOPS Exchange integration

HOOPS Visualize package is shipped with different samples called Sandbox. These sandboxes are compatible with HOOPS Exchange but they need an additional setup detailled below.

Instructions for HPS_WPF_Sandbox

  1. Open the project properties from Visual Studio
  2. Navigate to Build and add USING_EXCHANGE in conditional compilation symbols

  1. Add hps_cs_sprk_exchange.dll as a reference in the WPF Sandbox Project references list

  1. Make sure the HOOPS Exchange DLL are in the PATH or near the application executable:
    a. by using the environment variable HEXCHANGE_INSTALL_DIR. Its value must be the root of a HOOPS Exchange package
    b. by copying the content of HOOPS_Exchange/bin/win64 inside HOOPS Visualize bin directory