Unresolved External Symbol Error in Visual Studio

Curious if anyone has run into this type of Linker error in Visual Studio 2019, I can call other HOOPS functions fine, issue only occurs with call of A3DAsmGetFilesPathFromModelFile()


took out of sample code for PRC2XML.

Thank you,
Michael A. Lara

What version of HOOPS Exchange are you using?
I have no trouble building the HE 2025.2.0 PRC2XML sample using VS 2019.

Are you building the PRC2XML sample when you get the link error or another application (and the function you mentioned came from the PRC2XML sample)? If the link error comes from another application, can you successfully build the PRC2XML sample?


I am using HOOPS Exchange version 2024.7.0

I am building another application, I can build the PRC2XML sample fine. In my .props file i have a link to the libconverter. Am i missing another linkage that is needed in order to call HOOPS functions?

Are you trying to build your HOOPS Communicator converter or a HOOPS Exchange application?

A dependency on libconverter suggests you’re trying to build your own converter.

In your original post you said you “can call other HOOPS functions fine.” Are those HOOPS Exchange functions (e.g. beginning with A3D)?


Yes we are doing both we are using import/publishing from Exchange depending on the expected output.

They are exchange functions.

The function in question is “A3DAsmGetFilesPathFromModelFile”


I shared a sample project with you (by DM) of a simple libconverter build that uses HOOPS Exchange.

I hope this helps. It seems quite strange that you can build with A3D functions but not A3DAsmGetFilesPathFromModelFile.
